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9 Ways to Elevate Your Health in 2022!

Amaris Harry

Updated: May 23, 2022

Year after year, we commit to the saying “new year, new me!” As we wrap up the first month of 2022, I am excited to share how I’ve elevated my personal health over the years, and different ways that you can stick to your new year health goals with me. Admittedly, I’ve been a pretty health conscious individual majority of my life. Between 9 years of all-star cheerleading, (yes, It’s a sport!) and being raised on a Pescatarian diet by my now vegan mother, I’ve become accustomed to a healthy lifestyle that I cherish and value.

Growing up, my mom did not purchase candy, sodas, overly processed snacks, and meat aside from fish. If I wanted anything other than her chosen health foods, I had to buy it or cook it myself. There were countless of times where I would ask for the latest chips that just hit the stores, and was faced with standing in the aisle reading the back of the label with my mom, to be told “no”. I was left to do the walk of shame, placing the chips back and grabbing plain Lays chips. When I got home I added hot sauce for flavor. As a kid I couldn’t understand it. Now, I truly appreciate the discipline that was instilled in me, and I can clearly feel the difference when I splurge on bad food habits. Don’t get me wrong, I occasionally indulge in a Wendy’s Son of a Baconator or ATL’s popular hot wings with lemon pepper sprinkles! I have also had my share of gaining the collegiate freshman 15, and the most recently popular, COVID-19 quarantine 15. So, this is no attempt to showcase perfection. I simply encourage a much healthier balance and lifestyle change.

Health is, and always will be wealth. Therefore, it is important to commit to achieving health. I am far from a physician, so what works for me, may not work for you. Nevertheless, I couldn’t help but to share in case you decide you want to make some of the same changes. My adjustments have rewarded me a life of quality health, and it would be of no service to keep it to myself. So, take a sip of water, and join me in the quest of a healthier lifestyle with these 9 major changes!

1. Accept that healthy foods are NOT always the tastiest.

Achieving good health is not for picky eaters. I repeat, it is not for picky eaters! The purpose of health food is health, not taste. Immediately rejecting everything that doesn’t taste good, could prolong progress. Try not to turn your nose up at everything that is unfamiliar to your taste buds and have a more open mind.

2. A salad a day keeps the doctor away!

Of course, an apple a day is great and convenient. But, there is power in striving to eat raw leafy green veggies daily. On top of weight control, there are a ton of nutritional benefits to eating a daily side salad with your meals. Consistently consuming salad would also encourage adding on toppings with great sources of health benefits such as carrots, cucumbers, nuts, etc.

3. Eat less meat.

I’m not suggesting going completely vegan or vegetarian. If that is your goal, kudos to you! I’m personally not sure I could ever give up bacon, peperoni pizza, or cheese. However, incorporating more filling meatless meals in your diet could improve overall health. As Americans, we tend to unnecessarily over consume meat, even when we’re snacking. Last year, I gave up meat for 21 consecutive days. I was utterly amazed with the results, and had never felt better! After that experience, I concluded that I do not need to consume meat products for breakfast, lunch, and dinner daily. My body has been thanking me for eating less meat ever since!

4. Quit eating out so much!

I totally get it. On busy days, sometimes ordering out is the only option. I wish there were much healthier choices for people with hectic schedules. Nevertheless, if you’re like me, sometimes laziness takes over even when there is ample time to cook, and plenty of food in the fridge. We have got to train our minds to resist the urge to constantly purchase food. I mean, why not? It’s healthier, you have complete control of preparation and cleanliness, plus it saves money!!

5. Less processed, more organic!

I hate to break it to you, but yes, this includes vegan and vegetarian foods. Although fresh foods take more time to prepare, I personally try to reserve canned food for emergency purposes. There’s something about unrefrigerated food products that never sat well with me. As a kid, my parents had a garden for 10 years and we went fishing often. Growing up in that environment instilled a whole food mindset that more people should get to know. With so much crappy food readily available, I get excited to shop local farms, eat grass-fed and antibiotic free meats, wild-caught fish, and fresh veggies from farmer’s markets.

6. Eat smaller portions.

Is it just me, or does anyone else ever wonder why restaurants give you so much food? I always end up packing a to-go box, and I’ve accepted that most restaurants do not serve normal proportions. Many times our eyes are bigger than our mouths, and it’s imperative to avoid giving into what our eyes see. Meal prepping with proper measurements and using smaller dinnerware are ways that I’ve avoided over eating.

7. Take your vitamins.

Trust me, I know that keeping up with vitamins can be a major pain. I hated them growing up, and I’m not a super fan of them now. But, my health is important to me. I often forget to take them, so I keep a multi-vitamin on my work desk as a reminder.

8. Drink your water!

I aim for 64 ounces (half a gallon) of water per day. I keep up with my water intake by using a pretty neat water jug that I found on Amazon, with time stamps t0 remind me to drink water. It also has quirky motivational phrases to keep me in check. I rarely drink juice or soda, because sugary drinks contribute to dental complications, and weight gain. With a busy schedule, and focus on hydration, I drink an average of 8 ounces of juice or soda 3-4 times per week. Starting the day off with water also minimizes cravings. 9 times out of 10, if you find yourself having constant cravings, you probably need to quench your thirst with some water.

9. Stick with your exercise goal.

My weekly exercise goal is to work out 3-4 times per week for an hour. I also try to aim for 10-30 minutes on my busy days where I can’t complete a full workout. Apple watches and Fitbits are lifesavers in regard to fitness accountability. I strongly encourage them, because it’s like having a mini competition with myself!

I know, I know you must be thinking this is all much easier said than done. That’s because it is! Lifestyle changes take a multitude of discipline and change in mindset toward what you want out of life. I encourage everyone to break those unhealthy habits and take baby steps. Binging on a health craze is more of a diet fad than the lifestyle change that you need. So, involve your family and friends and hold each other accountable in the journey of elevating your health in 2022 and beyond!

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